Animal's welfare

As one of the largest abattoir plants in Poland, we realize the importance of the welfare of animals intended for slaughter. Their humane treatment during breeding, transporting and then slaughtering, is the most important aspect affecting the quality of meat and products produced.

In order to promote the proper treatment of animals, OSI POLAND FOODWORKS has established the binding rules for loading, transporting and unloading cattle, which is delivered to our production plant.

At OSI POLAND FOODWORKS it is prohibited to:


  • inflict pain or suffering on animals;
  • force a change of the position of lying animals standing in a car awaiting the unloading;
  • load animals:
    • unable to leave the means of transport by themselves;
    • aged less than 8 months;
    • females in advanced stage of pregnancy and up to 7 days after parturition;
    • with fractures, exhausted and overfed;
  • use electric drovers, pointed objects;
  • guide the animals in the opposite direction than exit of the semi-trailer, forcing to run or rush the animals walking behind the group;
  • threaten animals by using unnecessary noises, including car sound signals (horn, reversing beeper);
  • smoke cigarettes outside sites developed for this purpose;
  • wear bright outfit;

In the case of animals that can not move on their own or without human assistance, the veterinarian examines their condition and takes a decision regarding its ability of slaughtering.

Any irregularities noted and serious violations of the established rules will be eliminated and removed immediately.

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Chróścina 3a 56-200 Chróścina
NIP 522-294-94-86


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