Striploin is a cut from the upper part of quarter, without the fillet, cut between the last and the preliminary thoracic vertebrae at the front and between the last lumbar and transverse vertebrae at the back. It is cut from the bottom, in a straight line, about 5-7 cm from the back muscles. Striploin consists of the following muscles:
a part of the longissimus dorsi muscle, the upper part of the abdominal muscles and bones- halved, last 13th thoracic vertebrae with the upper part of the ribs and six halved lumbar spines.*
Similarly to rib eye, striploin has got the some marbling, but smaller and not present in the middle. Fat cover in striploin is located on the side. Contrary to rib eye, which connects different muscles groups, the structure of striploin is soft and homogenous.
It might be particularly interesting for fans of less fatty steaks.
OSI POLAND FOODWORKS offers one-piece striploin with, or without, bones. Connoisseurs might be interested in our extremely tender striploin which undergoes the process of tenderization.
What to do with striploin? Striploin is mostly steaks, but it might also be fried, stewed, grilled, roasted or simply cooked. It can be easily used to prepare roast, stew or cutlets.
*(A. Olszewski, "Technologia przetwórstwa mięsa")