Food safety is a fundamental prerequisite for functioning of our production. In brief, food safety means all actions undertaken during all stages of food production and food marketing, the aim of which is to ensure health and life of consumers.
In order to bring this important subject closer to the employees of OSI POLAND FOODWORKS, on September 16-19, we organized Safe Foods Days, during which all participants took part in trainings, games and contests prepared by our marketing and quality assurance departments.
This year, we focused on three aspects of safety: foreign matter (physical contaminants), microorganisms, and allergens. Each of them poses a potential threat in the process of food production. Therefore, it is extremely important to take preventive actions, the basis of which is actions eliminating all possibilities of contamination during the process of food manufacturing. Human plays the key role in food safety, a moment of inattention, carelessness can lead to irreversible, disastrous consequences. This is the reason for educating workers in this subject matter. Building awareness about safety in the process of production and promoting good practices are actions, which directly affect the quality of our work and consequently the quality of our products.
Presentations, trainings, discussions, and good fun- this is how we can shortly describe the celebrations of Safe Foods Days in our production plant.
Materials, prepared by quality assurance specialists, perfectly depicted the discussed subject matter. On the yard, in front of the building, there was a stall where each employee had a chance to verify their knowledge by taking part in all kinds of contests and rebus puzzles. Among the most active participants, we drew attractive prizes including functional steam cleaners and a window cleaner. In order to take part in the lottery the participants had to meet one condition, provide correct answers to all questions. We also distributed company’s gadgets as consolation prizes.
Food safety depends on each of us, regardless of the department we work. Popularization of knowledge concerning the rules of good production practices is a collection of basic regulations, without which the idea of food safety does not exist. Sometimes, one small mistake can jeopardize the good work of many people who take part in a long and demanding process of manufacturing food. Let us not forget about that!