Representatives of the purchase department of OSI POLAND FOODWORKS spent the last, hot weekend of June at the 26th Regional Exhibition of Breeding Animals and Agricultural Advisory Days in Szepietowo.
The event in the region of Podlasie is an opportunity to admire true champions among breeding animals including beef and dairy cattle, horses, rabbits, poultry and goats. Two hundred fifty breeders demonstrated their most beautiful animals. Beside breeders, the Advisory Center in Szepietowo hosted feed producers, manufacturers of fertilizers, agricultural machinery producers and consultants who shared their expertise in the areas of livestock production, plant production, entrepreneurship, principles of integrated pest management, economics of production, ecology and agro tourism. The program included agricultural machinery and equipment exhibition and rapeseed oil pressing show. On Friday June 28, youth entered the Ring and took part in the final of sixth Podlasie School for Young Breeders.
The event provided another opportunity for our team to establish new contacts, engage in a dialogue with representatives of the industry, exchange views, and discuss current condition of the bovine animals for slaughter in Poland.